Genealogy &
Family History

Discover your family history

Family trees and ancestry research

A family tree can be a source of pride, joy, and can bring a sense of belonging. You can discover your family history, ensure it's preserved for future generations, and have fun finding where you fit.


Find out who your ancestors were, where they lived, what they did, the challenges they faced, their accomplishments, and sometimes even their dreams.


Whether you're starting from scratch, need someone to visit archives on your behalf, or if you've reached a brick wall in your research, I'm here to help.

Working for you

Choose the research that suits you


The hourly research service allows a bespoke approach to your family research.


You could choose to research a particular branch of your family, or you might opt for an in-depth investigation of a particular ancestor, a house history, a migration report, or transcription of old documents.


Whether you're new to family history or have years of experience, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Highest standards of research

You can be assured that your family research will be carried out to the highest standards.


I have a Masters degree in Genealogical Studies from the University of Strathclyde, and I'm a member of the Register of Qualified Genealogists (RQG) and the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG).


The professional standards set out by RQG will apply to all research undertaken.

Featured in Family Tree Magazine


Why hire a genealogist?

Expertise, quality, accuracy

As rewarding as researching your own family history can be, not everyone has the time to pursue all of the sources that might be available or needed to meet their objectives.


Professional genealogists have experience with a wide variety of projects, enabling us to spot the best way to approach a problem, avoiding unnecessary research time and expense.


Proficiency with available resources means we can quickly determine which repositories, collections, or databases are most likely to hold the answers you need.


A wealth of experience enables us to find answers in less traditional records, spot unnoticed clues and patterns, understand historical context, and provide solutions.


Unfortunately, many family trees on well known websites are inaccurate, or they're not backed up with evidence. People may copy information from others, assuming that it's correct, or they might presume that every hint offered by the website is valid.


Likewise, use of DNA test kits can often lead to disappointment.  

A DNA kit might identify lots of relatives (usually distant cousins), but without a documented family tree, there's no way to tell how you're related to them. 


As a qualified genealogist with 20 years experience in genealogical research, you can be assured of a high standard of work suited to your requirements.


Let me do the research, while you enjoy the discoveries!

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